In a globalized world of competitiveness, with continuous increases in raw materials' prices and financial instability, having a well-defined and efficient strategy becomes more important than ever. FPM will support and provide your company with precious guidance, both in terms of corporate and business strategy.

A team of specialists will analyze your entire value chain in order to identify what are (or could be) the drivers for competitiveness and where the value is (or might be) created.

Furthermore, SWOT analyses will be conducted with the aim to better set-up an efficient strategy.

Before thinking to delocalize operations, totally or partially, FPM analyzes the value chain in order to eliminate processes with low or no added value, as well as wastes. By means of consolidated practices such as Lean Management, personally applied by our consultants in multinational corporations, it will be possible to enhance processes’ efficiency at first. Moreover, FPM Group may guide your company towards the ISO 9001:2008 certification.

At second stage, once defined the core competences of the firm, we might think about searching for new strategic partners in emerging markets, such as Bulgaria or other countries in the Balkan region.